################# RHS2116 Headstage ################# .. image:: /_static/images/rhs2116/rhs2116.webp :align: center :height: 300px :alt: ONIX rhs2116 | The RHS2116 Headstage is a serialized headstage for small animals with 32 bi-direcional channels which each can be used to deliver electrical stimuli. The RHS2116 Headstage can be used with passive probes (e.g. silicon arrays, EEG/ECOG arrays, etc) using a 36-Channel Omnetics EIB. ******** Features ******** * Two RHS2116 ICs for a combined 32 bi-directional ephys channels * ~1 millisecond active stimuls artifact recovery * Max stimulator current: 2.55mA @ +/-7V compliance. * Sample rate: 30193.2367 Hz * Stimulus active and stimulus trigger pins * On-board Lattice Crosslink™ FPGA for real-time data arbitration .. _rhs2116_data_link_serialization: *********************** Data Link Serialization *********************** For details on data serialization and headstage gateware, have a look at the :ref:`serialization` page, which describes how coax headstages operate in general terms. The RHS2116 headstage has the following coaxial link properties: .. table:: :widths: 50 80 50 50 50 +------------------------+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ | Parameter | Value | Min | Max | Unit/ | | | | | | Type | +========================+====================+==========+==========+==========+ | FPGA | LIF-MD6000-6UMG64I | | | | +------------------------+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ | Serializer | TI DS90UB933 | | | Coaxial | +------------------------+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ | Supply Voltage | 4.0 | 3.4 | 5.0* | Volts | +------------------------+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ | Hub Clock Frequency | 50 | | | MHz | +------------------------+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ .. warning:: \*Do not exceed 5.0 VDC at the coaxial input to the headstage. Make sure you make this measurement at the headstage (see :ref:`measure_voltage`) to account for a potential voltage drop in the tether. .. note:: Have a look at the :ref:`tethers` page for more details on micro-coax headstage tethers ***************** Electrophysiology ***************** RHS2116 headstage uses two 16-channel `Intan RHS2116 `__ bioamplifier chip. The chip is operated at a fixed sampling rate of ~30 kHz/channel. These 32 ephys channels are exposed via a 36 pin `Omnetics connector `__ at the edge of the headstage and can record from most passive probes (e.g. tetrodes, silicon probe arrays, tungsten microwires, steel EEG wires, etc.) as well as stimulate. .. RHS2116 Pinout ============== .. image:: /_static/images/rhs2116/rhs2116-omnetics-pinout.webp :align: center :height: 300px :alt: ONIX rhs2116 omnetics | .. image:: /_static/images/rhs2116/rhs2116-bottom-pinout.webp :align: center :height: 300px :alt: ONIX rhs2116 bottom pinout ***************** Bill of Materials ***************** - `Interactive BoM <../../_static/boms/headstage-rhs2116_bom.html>`__ (a csv BoM can be downloaded from this page) .. note:: Have a look at the :ref:`tether_voltage` page for more details on probing and verifying headstage power voltages